Friday, October 21, 2011

Maniac (1980) dir William Lustig

Preface: I'm kinda embarrassed that I haven't seen this yet as it's wildly regarded as a classic trashy slasher from the early 80s, a golden era for this particular subgenre. I mean, look at that fucking cover art! Sweet Jesus! Let's get grimy!

2:32: Heavy breathing, POV of the killer and 2 throat slashings all within first 2 minutes. Here we go!
3:00: Oh shit, it was just a dream!
3:30: Oh god, this guy is weird. He's got a shrine to his dead mom among other weird shit in his room.
6:31: Ah, yes, 1980s New York. Times Square. If there's one place I could time travel to and then IMMEDIATELY LEAVE, it would be here.
7:18: Outlook for these hookers: Not fucking good

 12:11: And we're getting weird in a motel room, lots of awkward groping
13:40: Ohhh nooooo
14:52: Dead Hooker Count: 1
18:50: Dude goes back to his creepy-ass place post-hooker killing, he's talking to himself while dressing a female mannequin, including using the scalp of the hooker he just killed. Holy fucking shit this is weird
25:30: Cameo by make up/effects master Tom Savini! He's taking some chick home from a disco club, with weird dude following them. I don't think this is going to end well for these two
30:00: Best exploding headshot in cinema history? Might be. God damn
30:30: Well that's two more dead
32:45: And he's talking to himself again. I need an adult!
36:20: Any scene with main dude walking around various areas of NYC is accompanied by heavy breathing/grunting. Pretty tight
37:50: Hellooooo nurse! Wait, no, run! RUN NOW!
40:00: No, not the subway! No one ever gets away by going into the subway!
47:30: Ohhhh noooooo
48:00: Well that's 4 dead total
50:12: Okay now he's stalking the chick who took his photo in the park earlier. And she invites him in. Yep, a totally normal thing to do
52:52: And now he's taking her to dinner in Jersey. This should be good
55:51: Homegirl is a fashion model photographer, weirdo continues to stalk her. This is quite the long con compared to his previous exploits
1:00: Aaaand he followed one of the models home. She's drawing a bubble bath, surely her last
1:04: Ohhhh noooooooo
1:05: Oh dear, he took this one back to his place. Aaaaand the mommy issues come out in full force. Yikes
1:09: 5 dead :(
1:14: He's taking out the photographer chick again, apparently he attended the funeral of the model chick he killed. Damn, this really is a long con.
1:15: Graveyard chase!
1:17: Photographer chick strikes back! With a shovel!
1:18: More mommy issues, god this is weird
1:21: Shit is getting super weird back at the dude's place, his victims have come back to life
1:22: Oh sweet jesus
1:24: New York had police in the 80s? Who knew!

Final Thoughts: Good lord, that is one scummy flick. I need a shower. Joe Spinell is unfathomably gross and shitty in the lead role. Tom Savini's effects are absolutely incredible, though. Pure practical magic. Overall, pretty damn unsettling flick.

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