Thursday, June 2, 2011

"Call it what it what it really is."

A smattering of thoughts:

  • My band Envision played a big ol' show last Friday at the 5th annual Rain Fest at Neumos. Posted some of my thoughts here on the Envision blog. Also, that show marked the release of our 7 song 12" EP, which you can check out right here. I'm really happy with how it all turned out. It sounds great, the vinyl is awesome and the cover and insert look just fantastic. It's a shame it took us over a year to actually put it out, but I'm glad we did. First 12" I've ever been a part of. Maybe we'll finally take a drive down down the coast this summer to play with all our California buds and sell some a couple records.
Pretty self-explanatory
  • "Hobo With A Shotgun" finally came to Seattle and I saw it last night. It did not disappoint. Rutger Hauer is one of my favorite lesser known actors (Roy Batty 4 life!) and it was great to see him in a leading role again, even in a flick as utterly trashy as this. He actually brought some dramatic and emotional weight to the role which helped the movie not completely drown in it's own filthy retardation and low budget Canadian-ness. Tons of real gore, zero CG, sick Carpenter/Goblin-inspired soundtrack, hilariously over-saturated colors in every shot and lots of "acting" by complete idiots. Just a completely glorious mess.
  • I have come to absolutely despise job applications and job interviews. The impending doom of my cushy temp job ending next month has me stressed the fuck out.
  • Following the Mariners this year has actually been fun and doesn't make me want to chug Draino. Hovering around .500 is all I can ask more. Felix, Pineda, Smoak and really the whole rotation and bullpen have been a pleasure to watch so far. This is my favorite thing on the internet right now.
  • Algernon Cadwallader has a brand new full-length that I can't stop listening to. The band has willfully leaked it on the interwebz, so I feel okay about posting a download link here. If you're unfamiliar, Algernon is a Cap'n Jazz/American Football worship band from New Jersey and they're just wonderful. Plus, they're playing Seattle again with Jason Clackley (total studmuffin) on June 8th. 
  • Paging Mark Henry, you're famous on the internet! 
  • Wasabi Peas and Almonds are a delicious combo.